Internet Of things and BoltIoT

Internet of Things : Introduction
                Internet of things is going to be one of the very essential technology in the industry. Instead of directly telling the definition lets understand it with the example.
eg Consider there is cold storage of an Ice Cream company, In the cold storage the temperature to be maintained is in the range of -100c to 00c. To get information of temperature in cold storage a temperature monitoring system is installed. In which the temperature sensor detects the temperature of cold storage at every second and sends it to the server. If the temperature crosses the threshold limit. It alerts the whole department of engineers working at that department via alarms, SMS alerts, voice call alerts etc, the system installed in the cold storage is an IOT system.
          From all this information you might have got some idea of Internet of Things. Temperature sensor when senses the input given to it, the input reading is sent to a CPU (processing unit to be considered) and output command is sent by CPU and hence if temperature crosses limit, output is alert, This whole is a communication between the devices, definitely it requires a processing unit and a communication interface. Programs are used to control such system.

          Analysing the above example we can definitely say that the system in which the electronic devices communicate with each other via some interface and perform some task due to command given by processing unit, to get desired output.  In above example temperature sensor acts as input device and after sending signal to server department gets an alarm. So getting an alarm at threshold crossing is desired output.


          The first IoT device was made in 1990 and was a electric toster, in the same year students of Kangi Melan university made second IOT device as their project and that was a Coca Cola dispensing machine.
          In year 1999 after a huge research Mr Kevin Ashton coined the term IoT, this technology started developed when internet protocols developed from IPv4 to IPv6. And then after development today we are using IoT in many industries.

Introduction to Bolt Device

Bolt device upper view


back view of Bolt

             Bolt IoT is one of the advanced IoT platform in the world. Bolt device is manufactured by Inventrom pvt Ltd The most Important part of bolt device we can say Heart of this device is ESP8266MOD processor.

            all the processing of input and output command is done in this processor. from upper view as you can see from upper 
view it has 11 pins , 7 at left and 4 at right, at the left side pins are 5v, 3.3v, GND, 0, A0, TX, RX and those at left are 1,2,3,4. This device takes the input of 5v but the microcontroller works on 3.3v hence the voltage controller is also installed in it. This device send the data collected to the bolt cloud and (cloud computing is also included). Features and Parameters are given as follows

So Bolt IOT is one of the best platform to learn IOT and make career as an IOT engineer. Go through the training of BOLT IOT
This was the post about to make aware of the new IOT device like Bolt. 

Published by:
Shreyas S Chaudhari.