At the start, before being famillier with many common scientific information, It is very important to know about what is actually Science and Technology.
SCIENTECH4U is an informational blog which will be used to post information totally on Science and Technology. Need of choosing topic of Science and Technology is that, Without Science and Technology it is impossible to develop society. Science and technology has a great contribution in Nations Development.
Science :
Science plays a very important role in life of an individual. Science is the word made from a word Scire which means to study nature by method of Experimentation and its conclusion. In other words science can be defined as It is the knowledge which is built from Conclusions drawn from Practicals/Experimentation conducted on Nature. Science is just a knowledge which is built from experiments but science doesn't tell about its applications. Science is a theoretical subject which contains all the theories, concepts, philosophies. Science has made impossible things possible.
Technology :
Technology and Science are totally different. Science contains the theories and concepts only but science doesn't tell about the use of that technology in the daily life or in another words science doesn't tell about its applications. Technology is the use of science in daily life. technology is all about the applications used to solve problems in life and make life simple and better. ways of solving problems technically or scientifically are called Techniques. Availability of the total knowledge of science cant make a product or technology, it requires Techniques. A starting of building any product starts from a technical idea which if used in product or technology, satisfies the problem statement in a better and efficient way. eg Transportation has made easy when IC engines got invented. Science alone cant solve problems in our life and technology without science is Impossible so both Science and technology are Incomplete without each other.
Invention, Discovery and Innovation :
Even if Invention discovery and innovation look to be same concepts, they are not same. Invention tends to making of something which is unique in world and also which didn't exist in world before it's invention. Discovery is disclosing of the things which exist in the world but which were unknown to he world before discovery, eg the discovery of all elements in Periodic table but the artificially made elements are Invented and not Discovered. Innovation is quite different from both of these. Innovation is constructing something new on basis of available techniques which is unique in the world which satisfies problems better.
Science and technology are a beautiful gift to humanity but it depends upon human whether It becomes a Bless or a curse for us.
published by -
Shreyas Sanjay Chaudhari.
Very good content .
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